Heart Bomb

In March of 2019 I painted the first of my large pareidolic paintings, Heart Bomb. My thought process at that time included musings on quantum field theory, the nature of eternity, healing, mortality, and not least, God. My wife was about to undergo surgery to remove cancer from her breasts and lymph nodes. As often […]

A New Neighborhood Nebula

Our thoughts travel faster than light. Our imagination visits far away galaxies and returns that same afternoon. It’s like having the whole of the cosmos in our backyard; not to mention that new neighborhood nebula that just opened up. A New Neighborhood Nebula is an original mixed media  painting on paper. (Acrylics, Acrylic Resin, and Alcohol […]

Some Doors Stay Open

  Considering how we, the human race, continually transport ourselves between dreams and various realities it seems inevitable that some of the doors between here and there will stay open. Depending on your thought life that can be a good thing, or not so much. This painting was originally executed by painting with alcohol inks, […]

Sky Code

With all the excitement, and sometimes fear, about the rise of Artificial Intelligence I have found myself wondering about how, or if, these machines will ever comprehend comprehend art, beauty or more interestingly, our emotions? In these early stages the short answer is “they will not.” As more sophisticated programs evolve, perhaps they will develop […]

Storm Code

  With all the excitement, and sometimes fear, about the rise of Artificial Intelligence I have found myself wondering about how, or if, these machines will ever comprehend comprehend art, beauty or more interestingly, our emotions? In these early stages the short answer is “they will not.” As more sophisticated programs evolve, perhaps they will […]

A New Universe

The idea of multiple universes may be a matter for the linguists, or poets rather than the scientists. Strictly by definition the word universe refers to the total of the cosmos, and all matter, energy, etc. However, theoretically it has been suggested that there can be an infinite number of universes, sometimes called alternate universes […]

What The Caterpillar Showed Alice

“What The Caterpillar Told Alice” is a digital composition comprised of elements from several of my paintings rearranged in layers of various opacity. My take on the interchange between Alice and the caterpillar from Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” is one of perception, and of knowing oneself. Alice is unable to give an answer to the […]