Visions #5

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Visions # 5 is the fifth large oil painting I have finished since my wife’s surgery. It may be evident by now, even to the casual viewer, that my thoughts have been occupied by the topics of life, death, and what comes after.

Although this painting was started with large expressive gestures in black paint (a basic drawing beginning) those lines were randomly redacted or incorporated with lighter colors over multiple layers. Visions of faces, both familiar and alien appeared and disappeared as the work continued. The temptation, which I resisted, was to accentuate what I saw as various focal points. However, I chose (as free men do) to employ a cloud painting technique to send them softly into obscurity. Now, they remain for you the viewer to find and identify….or not.

The original oil painting of Visions #5 is currently available for sale. Please follow this link for purchasing information.

36″x 48″ oil on canvas.

For those who would like to own a COPY of this painting I am also making prints available as well. Please follow this link for purchasing information of those.
Available sizes include 16″ x 12″
and 48″ x 36″