So, what’s new about this painting? The painting itself is not. In fact I created it over sixteen years ago. However, three events have caused me to look at this painting with new eyes.
It first came into my review as a possible source for creating one of my constrained sculptural works I call “Inklings.”
I also have received a large dose of confirmation about this and other similar paintings when NASA began releasing images from the James Webb telescope. Along with other abstract expressionists, I have always considered these works as glimpses of the far reaches of the universe. They are landscapes of the cosmos.
“Mother of Invention” 48″ x 36″ acrylic on canvas.
As I became more confident in the choices my studio practice suggested, I began looking at ways to add more depth to the action paintings with which I was experimenting. “Mother of Invention” was the first time I used another support to make an imprint as well as lift excess paint in a previous layer. This made room for me to keep working as well as make a start on another painting during drying periods.